Our History

History of St. Timothy Missionary Baptist Church

1940 to 2023

On November 19, 1940, a Musical Tea was held (at which time $3.10 was raised) in the home of Mrs. Mattie Davis, 2448 E. 86 th St., by a group of former members of Messiah Baptist church, who had left because of dissention and sought toorganize another Baptist Church. The following Wednesday, another gathering was held in the home of Mr. & Mrs. JamesA Thomas, 2192 E. 73 rd St, at which time the nucleus of the St. Timothy Baptist Church was formed. Setups for the organization of Sunday School and B.Y.P.U. Departments were also made.

On December 5, 1940, the organization and establishment of St. Timothy Baptist Church and installation of Rev. Henry Grady Lyons, as Pastor were held though the courtesy of Rev. J.C. Walker at Sardis Baptist Church. Rev. William Downs, Rev. William Ross, Rev. J.C. Walker, and Rev. N. Sylvester Williams witnessed the proceeding as Rev. J.B. Wilder (President
of the Baptist Ministers' Conference of the City) and Rev. E.N. Williams, Secretary of The Baptist Minister's Conference,served in the capacity of Moderator and Secretary respectively. Charter members joined en masse, four by letter and the rest through Christian experience.

Baptismal services were held at Sardis Baptist Church, after organization, with Communion and Fellowship Services beingheld the following Sunday, December 7, 1940, at the Cedar Y.M.C.A.

The first Deacon Board consisted of seven deacons and two on probation. A formal agreement was reached that two Deacons were to serve as Trustees.

Organized were: A Finance Committee of three with Bro. James A. Thomas, Chairperson, Sunday School, Bro. LewisBailey, Superintendent and the B.Y.P.U., Bro. H.B. Ellis, President.

Services were held at the Cedar Y.M.C.A., East 77 th St. at Cedar Ave., on Sunday mornings, at a cost of $5.00 per Sunday.
Prayer services were held in the homes of Bro. William Temple, Rev. Henry Grady Lyons, and Sis. Katie McAlpin

The first Choir was organized as the Gospel Choir – Bro. Ed Mays, President, and Sis. Gladys (Saulsberry) Davenport,Pianist. Other first: Mother's Board, Sis. Annie Tennant, Chairperson; Deaconess Board, Sis. Muriel Allen, President; Usher Board, Sis. M.A. O'Neal, President; Missionary Department (Main Body), Sis. Mary Patton, President; Dorcas Circle, Sis. Mary Riley, Chairperson. These people constituted part of the Official Staff of the Church during the year 1941. All Circlesand B.Y.P.U. worked in cloverleaf form of groups of four.

On February 12, 1941, the Articles of Incorporation were filed by Rev. Henry Grady Lyons and others, with Dr. James A. Riley as Statutory Agent.

When the YMCA was razed, Sunday Morning and Evening Services were held at John E. Hubbard Memorial Hall, Inc. at E. 84 th St., and Cedar Ave. The last temporary meeting place was the third floor of the Friendship Baptist Church on E. 55 th St., at Central Ave. (Rev. Benjamin J. Perkins, Pastor). 

In 1942, the Pastor of the Independent Presbyterian Church on E.71 st St and Carnegie expired. Realizing the need for relocation because of the growing congregation, negotiations were made for the purchase of the property through
Rev. N. Sylvester Williams, Attorney William B. Saunders, Leonard Bryan, Escrow Agent and Rev. Henry Grady Lyons. 

February 21, 1943, was the final move to its permanent home. The first sermon in the new Church Home was preached by Dr. N. Sylvester Williams. Dr. D. R. Sharpe, Pastor of the Euclid Ave., Baptist Church preached the following Sunday.

New Auxiliaries were added to meet the needs of the Church and the surrounding area: Naomi Circle, Sis. Sarah Murray,Chairperson; Martha Circle, Sis. Katie McAlpin, Chairperson; Boy Scouts, Bro. Henry Pettie, Sr. Scout Master; Young Peoples Choir, Sis. Cozetta Ikner, President, Sis. Merle Burton, Pianist; Senior Choir, Sis. Ruby Thomas, President, Bro. Clemmon Wilson, Organist; Young Women's Auxiliary of the Missionary Department, Sis. Mary Alice Alfred, President;Youth Forum, Sis. Ethel Brown, Directress.

With a growing number of converts, a baptismal pool became necessary, since regular baptizing had been held at SardisBaptist Church and East Mount Zion Baptist Church. In 1944, the Naomi Circle undertook the project of installing a pool in the Upper Sanctuary. Baptismal attire was furnished by the Martha Circle. The Ladies Lounge was set up and furnishedby the Naomi Circle. The First Aid Room was set up by Sis. Mary Riley. Main Body Projects included: Yearly donations to Red Feather Agencies (Ward Home for the Aged, Phillis Wheatley House and Mary B. Talbert Home). Church membership
in 1947 was approximately 250.

Reverend Henry Grady Lyons died on July 26, 1947. Reverend Lyons was married to Sis. Lucy Lyons who served faithfully  by his side during his six and one-half years as Pastor of St. Timothy. A few weeks prior to Reverend Lyons' death Bro. J.C. Osborne was elected as the first Chairperson of the Deacon Board. As such, he had the responsibility of directing the congregation until another Pastor could be secured.

Succeeding Reverend Lyons was Reverend John T. Weeden, the former Pastor of Eastern Star Baptist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he served for twenty-two years. Having been called to the pastorate of St. Timothy Baptist
Church in December 1947 he officially began his ministry on the first Sunday in February 1948. For the six months prior to his arrival, Reverend William Ross served as supply Pastor.

The first official Trustee Board was organized by Reverend John T. Weeden. Eight new Missionary Circles were organized under the leadership of First Lady, Sis. Gladys M. Weeden, President of the Main Body Missionary Department (her tenure was twenty years) namely: Deborah Circle, Esther Circle, Ruth Circle, Junior Red Circle, Senior Red Circle, Nurses
Guild, and the Sunshine Band.

A few years after Reverend Weeden's arrival, Reverend Governor Hines was appointed Assistant Pastor of St. Timothy. Reverend Hines was a dedicated and faithful servant of God, as well as a friend and confidant to the Pastor. Reverend Hines retired in September 1989.

Pastor Weeden was a master of ideas and a great administrator. Under his diligent leadership his Forty years as Pastor were fruitful, in as much as the Lord abundantly blessed our efforts.

We gratefully acknowledge:

- Extensive repairs (interior and exterior) and modernization of the Church and parsonage, inclusive are: strengthening the Church walls, new heating systems (conversion to gas)l new roof on the Church; pointing up of the masonry; new flooring and carpeting; new pews; wall paneling; raising of choir stand; modern lighting system in upper sanctuary; outdoor lighting; Pastor's study refurnished; Church Office set-up; Credit Union office and Bulletin room set-up; Baptismal pool installed in lower sanctuary; Ladies' and Men's rooms enlarged and modernized; extensive repairs to the stained glass windows, large butterfly stained glass window replaced; modern kitchen installed by Main Body Missionary Dept.; new garage at parsonage, purchased two Grand Pianos, three upright pianos, two Hammond Organs (Electronic Hammond in
1969); installation of ADT Security System; installation of Central Air Conditioner and purchase of adjacent property for parking.

Outstanding Dates:

1950, November 5th - Mortgage Burning Ceremony

1953, the name Missionary was added to St. Timothy over the main entrance door.

1955, April 24 th – Unveiling of Memorial Plaque in remembrance of Reverend Henry Grady Lyons

1956, February – Church Hosted Mid-Winter Session of Progressive Baptist District Association
October – Church entertained the 38 th Annual Session of the Ohio Baptist State Convention

1958, the Renewal of the Articles of Incorporation by Pastor Weeden, Trustee Board and Finance Committee
September – the first Bible Institute at St. Timothy Missionary Baptist Church conducted by Pastor Weeden

1963 – February – Established the Christian Education Institute

1966 and 1969 Pastor John T. Weeden and Deacon Wilbert Tucker were sent as representatives of the Brothers' Brother
Foundation to aid in the inoculation of the under privileged in Central America

1970, July – Pastor and Mrs. Weeden, and members of St. Timothy attended the Baptist World's Alliance in Tokyo, Japan

1975, October – Church hosted the Ohio Baptist State Convention, Inc.
October 26 th - Women's Day Liquidation Drive climaxed raising upward of $6000.00. Through their efforts and the cooperation of the Youth (raising upward of $2000.00), and the assistance of the Men (raising upward of $4,000.00) along with blessing of Almighty God the balance of the church mortgage was paid in full on October 31,1975.

1981, March - the First Lady of St. Timothy Missionary Church, Mrs. Gladys Mae Weeden died. A scrupulously dedicatedwife, mother, and Christian woman, who gave her life in the service of the Master. She will always be cherished for  the years she served as the General President of the Missionary Society (for 20 years) the Pianist/Directress for the Young Adult Choir; President of the Indiana State Club and a most charming, illustrious, gracious, and humble FirstL ady.

1982, October – The Men and Women joined together and held the first Annual Men's/Women's Day Program which was
a tremendous success. Over $10,000.00 was raised with Bro. J.C. Osborne, Chairperson of the Men and Sis. Naomi
O. Williams, Chairperson of the Women.

1984, October - St. Timothy found it necessary to temporarily close its doors for repairs to the foundation and overall structure. Services were held at the Progressive District Building from October 23, 1984, to June 2, 1985. With a few minor repairs remaining St. Timothy reopened its doors Sunday, June 9, 
1985. Services were held in the Gladys Mae Weeden Memorial Hall (the lower auditorium) until Sunday, October 13, 1985, with all repairs completed the
congregation moved into the upper sanctuary.

1985, A storehouse was added to provide food for the needy, with the late Sis. Mollie Brown as Chairperson. The church added a Hot Meal for the Needy Program which is served the last Wednesday of the month.
Reverend John T. Weeden died September 17, 1988, the end of a glorious period in the history of St. Timothy Missionary Baptist Church. Forty and one-half years of dedicated service to St. Timothy, and numerous local, national, and international civic and religious organizations. Reverend Weeden led with honor-honesty-dignity-sincerity-devotion to duty-insight-foresight-vigor-sameness-enthusiasm and strength of character for forty years, our worthy Joshua to whom we owe a great debt of gratitude and will not be forgotten.

Following the demise of Reverend John T. Weeden, Associate Pastor, Reverend Tyree Williams was chosen as Interim Pastor from September 1988 to June 1989.

On June 8, 1989, Reverend Tyree Williams became the third Pastor of St. Timothy Missionary Baptist Church in its forty-nine years of existence.

1992, September 23 - Assistant Pastor Reverend Governor Hines died. We will long remember his loving hearted service to God and the members of St. Timothy

Under the leadership of Pastor Tyree Williams, the work of Master continued, souls were led to Christ, and many were called to the ministry. Many good works were accomplished during the pastorate of Reverend Williams with the supportof First Lady, Sis. Diann Williams.

1989 to 2011:
- The former parsonage was dedicated as the John T. Weeden Education Center on November 12, 1989
- An elevator was installed, August 1992
- 8:00 a.m. Worship Service and Youth Orientation were established
- Purchased adjacent building for Educational Center and Church Office
- Demolished the John T. Weeden Educational Center (former parsonage) for additional parking
- Instituted Thursday Morning Bible Class
- Completed parking lot work, added Annex Walkway, and installed wrought iron fences
- Pastor's study was enlarged in 1999
- Partitions added to Educational Building for classrooms
- Golf Outing established by Facilitators Bro. Greg Nailing and Bro. Cecil Butler
- New Sound system installed with donation received from the late Sis. Mary Alice Clayton in memory of her brother,the late Madison Alford, Jr.
- Remodeled the ladies' restroom, a wheelchair assessable restroom was added, and purchased tables for the GladysMae Weeden Hall.
- Installed Security Booth in parking lot
- Pastor Williams donated a new Wayside Pulpit for the 71 st Street lawn.
- New Member information Booklet
- Added a storage room in the church for Hot Food Ministry under the direction of Trustee Florine Crutcher
- Enclosed Drum area
- Purchased additional lot on E. 71 st Street for parking, installed fence and dedicated area in memory of Sis. IonaElder (2007)
- Kitchen renovated by Senior Usher Board #1
- St. Timothy mourned the passing of our last active charter member, Sis. Rose Ora Saulsberry Parker.
After a lengthy illness Reverend Tyree Williams died October 6, 2011. Pastor Williams led St Timothy tirelessly, teaching,preaching with compassion and devotion to God and God's people for twenty-two and one-half years. Respected by his peers and loved by his congregation and the greater Cleveland community.

The Deacon Board, led by Chairperson, Raymond Weeden was charged with the oversight of the church pending securing a new Pastor. With the dedicated service of the Pastoral Search Committee and after two years the Reverend Joshua Antoine Harris was elected the fourth and youngest Pastor of St. Timothy Missionary Baptist Church in December 2013.

Reverend Joshua A. Harris, the former Pastor of the historic First Baptist Church of Mathews, Virginia, began his Pastorate in January 2014 along with First Lady, Courtney Lynn Harris.

In the first year and a half as Pastor Joshua A. Harris instituted new ministries and redefined existing ministries to better serve the congregation and community.

Bereavement Committee
The Man Cave – social ministry for the men of St. Timothy
S.A.L.T. Ministry (Sisters Abiding in Love and Truth), organized by First Lady Courtney L. Harris

Kidz Zone Church – for ages 5 – 12 held in the Education Center after the Youth Prayer on the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sundays
July –Sponsored, the "Community Wide Praise in the Parking Lot" Worship without walls an evening of Prayer, Praise, and the Preached Word, held in the East 71 st Street Parking Lot
Computerized State-of –the- Art Sound System installed
September, St. Timothy hosted the Ohio State Baptist Convention

2016 -2019 Accomplishments:
Kitchen and Ladies Room Remodeled
Security cameras installed
Flat Screen Televisions purchased and installed in the Sanctuary
New Air Conditioner Unit purchased and installed
Additional lighting purchased and installed in the Sanctuary
Establishment of "The Light of Cleveland," Community Development Corporation

Ministries Added:
Amplified Young Adult Choir
Daughters of St. Timothy Mentoring Program
Greeters Ministry
Media and Technology Ministry
Reclaiming Authority over Weakness Group (RAW)
Sons of St. Timothy Mentoring Program
Young Adult Ministry (LYFE)
Seniors Ministry
Church Cotillion
Inclusion Ministry

Partnerships Added:
The Community of St. Peter
Dealer Tire
Ohio Means Jobs
Women's Wellness Shelter
Youth for Christ
Midtown Cleveland
January 2020 the Corona Pandemic began to spread throughout United States and the World. Each State was directed toimplement necessary precautions to reduce the spread of the virus identified as Covid-19. Ohio placed restrictions on thenumber of people allowed to gather in Churches, Government Buildings, and all Business establishments. On March 29,2020, St. Timothy began holding Sunday Services, Bible Study and Prayer Meetings virtually and services provided to thecommunity (Food Bank and Hot Meals) were continued with social distancing enforced.

On August 30, 2020, Pastor Joshua A. Harris, Sr., announced he had submitted his resignation to the Deacon Board. He performed his last pastoral duties on Sunday, September 27, 2020.

August 1, 2021, in-person Sunday Worship Service began on March 9, 2022, in person Prayer Meeting and Baptism was resumed registration required and limited seating were required in accordance with Ohio's Best Practices regarding COVID -19.

During the transitional period St. Timothy was under the leadership of a dedicated and God-fearing group of Deacons with their Chairperson, Deacon Raymond Weeden; and newly elected Chairperson Deacon Pernel Jones effective March 2022. The Deacons tirelessly watched over and served the members of St. Timothy and the community. A Pastoral Search Committee was formed and Reverend Wesley I. Reid, retired pastor of Lee Memorial AME Church was designated to provide a pastoral voice as lead Minister in the Word until such time as a new Pastor was named.

On Sunday, September 10, 2023, the membership voted to call Reverend Doctor Elmore Torbert, Jr., to serve as the fifth Pastor of St. Timothy Missionary Baptist Church. He is the former Pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church in Tullahoma,Tennessee.

St. Timothy will be forever grateful to Rev, Wesley I. Reid for his three years of dedicated service. Rev. Reid served faithfully throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic preaching, teaching, counseling, and praying for the membership both virtually and in-person. His final sermon at St. Timothy as lead Minister was Sunday was October 22, 2023.

Reverend Doctor Elmore Torbert, Jr. officially began his pastoral duties, Sunday, November 5, 2023.

Thus stands St. Timothy Missionary Baptist Church; the realization of a dream eighty-three years past, a fitting memorial to those now deceased; a challenge to its membership today...Eighty-three years of loving-hearted service to God and to mankind.

St. Timothy has been blessed with five God fearing, Dedicated, Leaders of His flock:

- Reverend Henry Grady Lyons, 1940-1947
- Reverend John T. Weeden, D.D., 1948-1988
- Reverend Tyree Williams, D.D., 1989-2011
- Reverend Joshua A. Harris Sr., M.Div., D.D., 2014-2020
- Reverend Elmore Torbert, Jr., M.A., D.D., 2023

St. Timothy Missionary Baptist Church Yesterday, Today... To Be Continued

Humbly Submitted,
Sharon E. Chalklett
Church Historian